
We're getting close!

Matt and I met with Dr. Wells this morning and he gave us the great news that I am 1 1/2 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced. I was thrilled to hear that because that means we are making progress and things are moving along towards the big day. Which honestly could be any day!!! We also asked him about a rythmic movement that we felt over the weekend. Turns out, Jack had the hiccups. Dr. Wells said that the hiccups in utero are a great, healthy sign. I know it's getting close, but hearing him refresh my memory on when to call or when to go to the hospital mad it all the more real. I'll keep you posted and put some more pictures up of his nursery. For now, here are two belly pictures. Hope all is well with everyone.

All our love,

M, C, & J


Jenn said...

Hi Cutie Pie!

Congratulations on the dialation ;-). I on the other hand am not effaced or dialated at all but the baby is super low (+1 station) so hopefully we'll get some progress soon. You look adorable and I can't wait to get the news about baby Jack. Baby Brenna gets the hiccups at least 3 times a day - its so cute. She's been getting them for about a month - she's a hiccuping machine, poor thing! Anyways, talk to you soon!

Lisa said...

You look so pretty! Can you believe that Jack will be here before we know it? I'm hoping he waits until Meghan gets to Florida..for more than one reason. I know Meggie wants to be there for Jack's arrival and while she's there, I get Adalie ALL TO MYSELF!! Well, O.K....I DO have to share her with Aunt Lillian. Afterwards I'll be up to meet Jack! Can't wait to hold him.