
Resolutions, Yay! for rice cereal & my little rocket scientist!

So, it's 2009, and I've given a lot of thought to my resolutions. My first is to read more....books, news everything. It's hard to find time to sit and read when you have a little one needing you, but I think it's important so I'll be trying my best to make time to do so. My second resolution is to run as many organized races as possible. Jacqueline and I started training for the 15K Gate River Run on March 14th (15K is 9.3 miles I think) and before that we'll run in the Ortega River Run (5 miles) at the end of February. I love running with Jacqueline. I think we keep each other motivated and I just love spending time with her..I couldn't ask for a better running partner. Some other great girlfriends and I ran in the Gator Bowl 5K on December 31st, which was a blast! (two pics below). Part of what made it so much fun was that one of my best friends and "sister" Meghan Darlson, whose blog (http://www.alittledarlson.blogspot.com/) you might frequent, was in Florida visiting. She ran it while pushing her 8 month old little girl and my God daughter Adalie in a jogger. GO MEG! My other resolutions I'm keeping to myself ;) But just so ya know, I have others! haha So onto the rest of the title of this blog entry. "Yay! for rice cereal". To make a long story short-J man was doing great in the eating department. He was a champion nurser and growing like crazy. Well, about 2 weeks ago he started waking up every 3 to 4 hours at night instead of sleeping 6. So, when my friend Meghan (who I mentioned earlier) was visiting and I explained my confusion and tiredness and she said "maybe he's ready for rice cereal." Now I know most moms start r.c anywhere between 4 to 6 months, but for some reason I didn't equate his waking up and fussy behavior with hunger! Sometimes as moms I think we're so close to the situation-the answer is obvious but we need someone else to point it out. Well, in addition to Meg's suggestion, Jack had a doctors appointment on Friday and his pediatrician confirmed that it's time! Oh and as a side note he is in the 75th percentile for height and weight. He is 26 inches long and weights 17 pounds. Well sure as sugar last night he woke up once to nurse!!! Which was great. Before we know it, he'll be sleeping the entire night. Below the pictures of the 5k is a video of his messy first spoon feeding. And finally the first picture in this entry..Lisa McCotter aka Marmie gave Jack the future Rocket Scientist shirt for Christmas and not only to I love it....I hope it's true! Love you Lisa & thanks!
Hope all is well with everyone. If anyone feels like sharing their new years resolutions in the comment section, I'd love to hear them. Don't forget you don't have to have a google account to post a comment. You can write what you want and post anonymously-just write your name in the message so we know who it is!

From Left: Jessica Merrell, Meghan Darlson with Adalie, Me with Jack, Tina Thorpe, Melanie Williams, Stephanie Garthe, Amanda Skinner and Megan Millar.


MCD said...

SOOO good, its amazing one you get to sleep through the night! Love the video I feel like I was there..... and thanks for the shout outs! Wish I could run with you guys everyday!

Lisa Koontz said...

What a great post, Claire! LOVE the video, Jack's so beautiful-his whole face lights up when he smiles. I am so proud of you girls and your new found love of running. Jack looks adorable in his t-shirt and even though he may choose a different profession in the future, I know he'll be smart enough to be ANYTHING including a rocket scientist!! Love to you all-

Anonymous said...

i just want to meet jack!!!!!!!!!!!